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Most of the works that constitute the main body of my work so far are thematically motivated by an exploratory need around the becoming of mental states, their reception and assimilation. Although this fact composes a heterogeneous profile in the whole of my work, some of the problematics that tend to have a consistent - if even subliminal - presence in it are the incompleteness, the fragmentary, the imprinting and reconfigurations of that which internally composes the sense of loss as a status that inexplicably stages our relationship with things, and the element of surprise.
Consisting mainly of works processed in painterly media, the body of my visual work generally emerges through staged oddities that intend to communicate what remains an authentic personal need in each work: the evocation of interiority through the representational, the coexistence of that which is sucked out of the everyday, the tragic, the ridiculous, the moving-even through their opposition, the imprinting of that sense of that which concerns the inner sediment of reality-and which for the most part has nothing to do with the real, but only with a distorted symbolic reading of it through the instructions of the imagination.
For this reason, the dimension of space in the works is often fragmented, with painted fields that seem almost assembled, as if in collage. This fact shatters the narrative flow at the same time as it weaves or retrieves intrinsic associations. Color and forms sometimes seem solid, embedded in a representational function, while at other times they become fuzzy or retreat into friction or folding, in an attempt to set up and plasticize the problematic around the incomplete, the resistantly contradictory, the unexpected, often in a dialogue with a pop, pictorial or surrealistic style.


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